Langdon was the name of a small group of buildings located part-way between Brandt Crossing and Riffle Creek. Brandt crossing is where Cow Creek road comes off the hill where Sled Creek road takes off to the right when headed into the Canyon. At one time there was a railroad bridge there because the railroad originally crossed over Cow Creek and went down the opposite side all the way to West Fork. But after the great Chinaman slide which closed the railroad further down, the tracks were laid down the right hand side going down Cow Creek canyon toward Riddle.
For many years the only resident of Langdon was W. Henry Waddell. He lived just below the point where the road makes a sharp turn and a short distance before Henry's Spring. For a number of years there was a sign at Henry's Spring but vandals have destroyed that as they have many of the road markers put up by BLM over the years. There was a swinging bridge with planks where you could see through to the water below at Langdon. Each day Henry would walk over the bridge and pickup his mail and newspaper that was delivered by LeRoy Dixon during his work day as a signal maintainer on the railroad. There was also an old garage next to the tracks and at one time there was an old vehicle in the garage that had been brought in by driving down the tracks from Brandt Crossing.
On the curve in the road just before Langdon was a meadow that contained Henry's garden and orchard. To irrigate the crops he built a flume that brought water down from what is now above the road.
Below are two photos of LeRoy Dixon standing next to the home of Henry Waddell at Langdon. Behind him is the vestibule entrance to the house which faced the road. The back of the house sat right on the rim, over-looking Cow Creek.
LeRoy Dixon at Langdon |